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Dolphin Rice

Basmati rice is an aromatic rice which is traditionally from the Indian subcontinent.Basmati rice has a typical flavour caused by the aroma compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline. Basmati grains contain about 0.09 ppm of this aromatic chemical compound naturally, a level that is about 12 times more than non-basmati rice varieties, giving basmati its distinctive spicy fragrance and flavour. This natural aroma is also found in cheese, fruits and other. It is a flavouring agent approved in the United States and Europe, and is used in bakery products for aroma.

According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, basmati rice has a "medium" glycaemic index (between 56 and 69) opposed to regular white rice with a glycaemic index of 89, thus making it more suitable for diabetics as compared to certain other grains and products made from white flour.

Dolphin Rice is top quality, aged Basmati Rice; it is parboiled to reduce starches which make it ideal for diabetes.

Basmati Is a Healthy ‘Super grain”

Basmati is gluten-free and low in fat. It contains all eight essential amino acids, folic acid, and is very low in sodium and has no cholesterol.Due to all these reasons and more, for centuries now, aromatic basmati rice has proved to be a great healing food.

Production Rice